, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Yummy Cassava Roll at Gold N' Pearl - Butuan City

Yummy Cassava Roll at Gold N' Pearl - Butuan City

>> Monday, April 16, 2012

My sister and I went to my aunt's office two days ago and we three decided to have a break and walked a few steps away from their office to have snacks at Gold N' Pearl. With all the different choices, we got to taste some goodies, including this slice of Cassava Roll. It resembles a huge Peanut Cassava Roll, only it had cheese as topping and not crushed peanuts. Nevertheless, it was good. I will definitely recommend this Cassava Roll should you chance upon Gold N' Pearl.

My sister also liked their Cinnamon bread, and it was good too. Soft bread with yummy cinnamon on top. 
I also tried their Sylvannas, but it was not what I expected a Sylvannas to be, so I wouldn't really recommend that.. 

Their Chocolate Roll is not  as rich as others we have tasted, but melted chocolate chips make up for it.. It's worth a try. 

Lastly, the Custard Cake was good, although, it would have been a better fair if the custard is a little thicker..

Now, if we compare their prices with other bakeries, they are of course very affordable. Most of the cakes and rolls are priced at P 16 per slice, while bread is only at P 7.. Their food price, your savings can go a long long way...

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