Friday, September 7 was the first Friday mass schedule at Fatima Chapel, where our department is the sponsor. It was the last day of our first week in school, and as new hires, we were asked to be there. So I took my lunch..
Some food from the food stall near our building. And some Siomai, my favorite.
We also prepared some offerings for the mass, as we were told that we will be given blessings. My offering was taken by a student, who took it to the altar during offertory.
A pose after lunch.. hahaha..
The altar.. I forgot to take a photo of the table, and all others. The altar table linen looks similar with the
western bedding sets in my grandma's house.
I got to sit with the choir, but I only knew one song. Hahaha.. Been a Buddhist for fourteen years now, and I haven't been a part of the choir since..
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