, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: That 2 Kilo Crab..

That 2 Kilo Crab..

>> Monday, April 16, 2012

Yesterday after swimming at Masao, we went to buy Shrimps and Crabs. We didn't bother changing from the beach because it was a rainy afternoon anyway. We could all get wet if the rain came again. From sleet, it stopped and so we enjoyed our ride at the back. Still, our legs and feet had sand all over, so we really needed to wash them off. Good thing that the area had a water pump. At least we were able to clean ourselves while our uncle and aunt went to the dealers for the seafoods. After we washed up, some people came with buckets and pails. So it must be a community owned water pump. Since it is near the seafoods dealers' shops, customers who may want to wash can directly go there and pump water out..

Now, enough with the water pump. What really amazed me there was the crab that weighed  2 kilos..
 (Photo to be inserted here)

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