, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: February 2021

Nationwide Protest Today

>> Monday, February 22, 2021

It's already 12:23 am. I can't sleep. I can't work online coz Internet is too slow. Hopefully I can publish this post before 1:00 coz it will be gone by then. Yesterday, we were told that a nationwide protest will be done by both private and public busineses, offices, institutions and even local stores and online businesses. 

We can't even go to the grocery or have food delivered. In short, Myanmar will not move today. I can only imagine the impact of this massive protest to the country's economy. I pray this will end soon. Been doing triple target times for Daimoku, not just for peace and the happiness of all living beings, but most importantly, wisdom for everyone in their current state that solutions to whatever problems they face will come. I am grateful that Alan is an understanding trainer and he is really helping me cope with our online training despite the deadlines and the limited internet, I finished Week 2. Weeks 3 and 4 will be more challenging, and especially that there are rumors about losing the internet for more than 24 hours. Hope they remain as rumors. 

Yesterday we accompanied Tr Gil to buy rice, at least a week's supply. And to cheer us a bit, we had a hearty dinner of leftovers.. 

All the food I cooked previously: Callos, Patotin and Humba, plus leftover curry bought from a nearby shop and left over omelette. 

Goodnight guys. Whatever happens, it'll still be a Happy Monday :-) 

Take Care.. 


Cleaning Dressed Chicken and Duck

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Hello Fam and friends. It's been so long since I last posted. we've been busy here, and our internet connections have been disrupted since the coup last February 1. Today I wan't to share how I clean a dressed chicken and a dressed duck. I have made three videos on YouTube. 

I have separated the videos since my video editor is just a free app and it's only allowing me 7 minutes or less for each video. 

Part 1 showed the cleaning of the whole chicken with salt and running water, and removing undesirable parts;

Part 2 showed the cleaning of the chicken pieces, cutting it into serving pieces;

Part 3 showed the removal of the skin of the chicken pieces, marinating and storing in containers, and of course, the cleaning of the dressed duck.

Cleaning the dressed duck is the same as cleaning the dressed chicken.

Well, there you have it. Will be sharing the food I have prepared in the next blogs.


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