Happy Birthday Rafael
>> Thursday, October 30, 2014
My student's birthday was last October 23. He was supposed to have a party to be attended by us and his relatives, but despite the planning, it didn't happen because his niece died due to dengue. Prior to the planning, before his niece died, his mom kept calling me asking how his birthday should be celebrated. Of course, I felt I was never in the position to tell her so I just told her that how she would like to have it is just fine. But I'd be willing to concede should she plan a surprise. She explained that her son wanted to celebrate it with a pool party, and she was asking me so much details which made her decide later on not to concede with the wished for pool party.
Today's was not a surprise for Rafael, because what transpired today, although they are still in mourning, was a mother's promise for her son on his birthday. Not happy as he still misses his niece who was close to him after all, but I guess, somehow, his birthday at school have made it a little memorable.
The kids had an early dinner treat during recess, of burgers and Burger Steak meals. For us teachers, we were given the huge Ultimate Burger Steak, which I have not been able to eat for diet constraints, hahahaha..
Then the blowing of the cake and wishes came..
And of course, picture taking :-)
After that, while the kids enjoyed their meal, we had guessing games.. Questions mostly Q&A about the celebrant. This helps me know who the real friends of the celebrant are.
Of course, before the party ended, the celebrant cut his cake, and left me to continue cutting and serving his guests.. until no cake was left.. I had them take home what's left since Rafael wouldn't bring them home anyway.. His crush got a real good portion, I made sure of that, hehehe..

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