, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: October 2021

Egg Salad Sandwich in the Bukid

>> Wednesday, October 27, 2021

We always have bread for breakfast because it's the easiest to prepare especially when it's already late. Today, since I am alone here at the farm and needed to feed my animal companions first, I opted to make the easiest Egg Salad Sandwich.

No toaster, no problem. I have my pan and heating the bread here like this is better. I can even make Cheese Sandwich on this pan.

For the Egg Salad, I used the free sachet of Chicken Spread and 4 boiled eggs.
Mash the eggs and mixed everything...
I thought it won't be enough but it's perfect.
Of course, I had to add a little salt, some spices and it's all done.
Spread some lovely Egga Salad on my toast.. and breakfast is ready...
Best paired with a mug (cup isn't enough dor me) hot Mocha.. 

Perfect :-)


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