Breaking The Fast
>> Sunday, January 17, 2021
Last week, I started intermittent Fasting again. I did it before but stress made me resort to anxiety eating. Until I saw the weight gain was out of control and my body is already complaining., pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Last week, I started intermittent Fasting again. I did it before but stress made me resort to anxiety eating. Until I saw the weight gain was out of control and my body is already complaining.
Yesterday, I broke my fast a few minutes after my scheduled end. And I thought I should prepare the ingredients for Monday's meal. I actually bought Chicken breasts for the entire week, some fish and Chicken feet for natural source of collagen. No pork and beef for maybe 3 months or so. And vegetables of course. That should always be present in my meals.
Today is the new year for the Karen (Kayin) people of Myanmar so we don't have classes today. But, because we need to get ready for classes tomorrow, we still need to prepare a lot of things today. However, a break is necessary, and these are the food we prepared to relax a little bit.. Cooking, baking or preparing food is our way of relaxing.
Happy New Year everyone. I am beginning the year with this first blog for 2021. Of course it will be about the preparations last night and what we had for Medya Noche.
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