, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Holy Week Food Challenge: Easter Sunday

Holy Week Food Challenge: Easter Sunday

>> Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So Easter arrived and it was also the time Malanang celebrated its Fiesta with their patron saint, San Vicente Ferrer. Because it is my parent's alternative home after Sendong, we found an excuse to celebrate too. But unlike the previous feasts, we only had simple food served as budget is tight. 

We had the following:

Fruit Salad with Cherries on top.. Lili's favorite... This was what I prepared on a Black Saturday.. Boy, this was so creamy because of the milk and cream used..

My father's yummy Humba...Soft meat that falls off the bone, delicious sauce to match.. 

My father's Patatim. This took hours to cook inside the presure cooker outisde the house, on a low burning charcoal cooker. I tell you, the pork leg is to die for. My father's been cooking this recipe for years and the taste remains the same. 

This is Suman given by my mother's offciemate who happens to live in the same village. My mom gave her a bottle of Macaroni Salad in exchange, lol..

I prepared meat balls, and I forgot to snap them when they were served, lol. The photo above was when I was yet cooking them, deep fried in vegetable oil. 

My mother's Chicken Tanghon, or what's left of  it..

The Macaroni Salad I also prepared the day before the fiesta. I used elbow macaroni for the pasta, cheddar cheese, raisins, pineapples and Best Foods Mayo Magic all purpose dressing. And I wouldn't recommend any other mayonnaise.

We also had Fried Chicken and some fish recipe, but I totally forgot to snap them. Anyway, the food may just be few and the selections are quite ordinary, but because the food served were prepared with love, they all were expectedly delicious..

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