, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Common Food in Masao Beach

Common Food in Masao Beach

>> Sunday, April 22, 2012

Last Sunday, we went to Masao (Mazaua) Beach to cool ourselves at the beach due to the recurring brown out in the city of Butuan. It was unplanned hence, we didn't bring so much food nor prepared for said beach activity. What we took, however, was what we prepared for lunch, which supposedly we ate at my aunt's house. But the heat due to the lack of electricity was unbearable that we had to leave for the beach.. 

A peddler of green Mangoes passed by so we bought two bags from her. A little later, the food ordered by my uncle arrived at our hut. 

There was Kinilaw, which was prepared quite well by the Manang at the stall... As to the kind of fish to use for Kinilaw, or Ceviche, it's all up to the customer.. 

Then Fish Head soup.. It's actually your choice whether you will opt to have soup or simply have the whole fish, body and head broiled to perfection. Or you may choose another fish for that recipe.

The Sinugbang Isda, of which, the body of the fish was broiled along-side squids that were tastefully served on a banana leaf.. The stalls are just along the road, which are actually just near the cottage where we rented...
They actually sell different kinds of fish. Sea water fishes as well as milk fishes from the nearby pond owned by the Aguilars..  The ponds you will pass by as you enter the beach.. This is what will catch your eye before looking at the Mazaua Shrine.... After which, you will see the stalls selling the fishes, ready to be cooked to your desired recipe.. While food is being cooked, you can either take a pose at the beach, at the cottage or at the shrine.. 
Do watch out for other vendors for if you get lucky, you will be able to get some bargain when you buy souvenirs and what-nots...
As for us, we had yummy seedless grapes for dessert, as I haggled with the vendor who gave it at a huge discount and added bunches for my loot... hahaha... Anyway, aside from the food above, there are also Lechon Manok, Lechon Baboy and all others sold nearby. There is even ice cream, if you so desire.... 

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