, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Webhosting...


>> Friday, July 8, 2011

I am really happy about the results of the latest page ranking of Google.. As I mentioned previously, this blog is now back to PR 3, and I hope it will remain there until forever, if not move up a notch higher.. Although I have not had this hosted independently, I am grateful that it still bagged the PR and it has had lots of clients where PR 3 is required.. If matters come to a halt, and I may need to find a web host for this site, I wouldn't have a problem locating one for I have actually enrolled my blogs to three hosting companies already.. Paying for two and the other one is free.. What a great deal that is for me.. As I go about teaching other people-- friends and relatives alike, I get to share these information, thus spark their interest too.. My sister is asking, my aunts are asking.. So I share..

My friend is looking for a web host, and she is wanting all her blogs to be hosted because she wants to enroll them in paid posting. Of course, I recommended Mommy Ruby's hosting companies because I am hitting two birds that way. Helping two people actually-- Mommy Ruby and Melanie. 

As for me, the perks with having my blogs hosted at Mommy Ruby's web hosting companies, is that, she is a friend who I can contact anytime.. I am sure you get what I mean.. While other people are left with hosting companies that sometimes cheat on them, as they are actually fly by night web hosting operators, Mommy Ruby's companies more likely represent herself in the process-- so everyone among her clients are also her friends, old friends, new friends and more.. Having told Melanie about this, she has signed up for our group, weeeh....

I never really promote Mommy Ruby's web hosting business, I only tell people that I have such a good hosting provider and that you can count on her every time..  Anyway, what have you got from your kitchen folks? You may want to share them at FROM MY KITCHEN:

Anything is worth the share.. 

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