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Barbecue Anyone?... Filipino Style..

>> Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July everyone.. I hope you are doing great with your barbecue and beers.. Cheers! It's gonna be a fun-filled day, am sure.. So what have you prepared for today? Anything from your kitchen?

Here in the Philippines, 4th of July is no longer the Independence day we celebrate but, June 12.. But in order to make 4th of July still a noteworthy celebration, it has been marked as the Filipino-american Friendship Day instead..  Some may have it as an excuse to bring out long tables and serve barbecue and beer, and still others celebrate it for another reason--- birthdays, anniversaries and so on and so forth.. While in the US, some people celebrate with an outdoor barbecue, others do even more as having a community fair.. But in most instances, the day is capped with fireworks display.. Ah.. Must be tiring to go through everything just to make the celebration a hit.. In cases where accidents happen and the injured may need the cheapest tramadol overnight, I am sure hospitals would be accommodating.. After all, the merry making may not allow him to find it, unless he would know where to order Tramadol online overnight... Surely, even during this really busy occasion, I am sure we can order tramadol online 24h should the need arise..

4th of July treat for the kids.. 
Ha! I have been carried away by that intro, pardon me.. Anyway, I know I have posted the hotdogs above in a previous post, but they are actually very good treats to serve during 4th of July Barbecues.. especially if kids are around.. Burgers and hotdogs do wonders during outdoor grilling too..
Pork Barbecue with hot sauce
Of course, 4th of July won't be the same without the pork.. If some people would have ribs and chops on the grill, Filipinos will always have the Pork Barbecue on skewers..
Shrimps on skewers
And of course, seafood on skewers, if they are available.. For those who will not eat pork, chicken is a very good alternative. Unless he or she is a vegetarian, Tofu can be grilled too..
Chicken Barbecue..
 Now they are ready for the grill..
hot outdoor grill.. 
I have cooked or been part in the preparation, cooking/grilling of some of the barbecue you see above, all in different occasions. We didn't celebrate 4th of July in this part of the world, but we are one in wishing America a very happy Independence day.. If we are to do a 4th of July gig, I am sure we too will have the above barbecue..  Why? because Filipinos love the above food.. agree?

Needless to ask, what 4th of July treat do you wish to share?.. 

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