, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Lighting and Steak

Lighting and Steak

>> Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My sister and I went with my cousin and aunts one fine Sunday for a house tripping.. We went to three subdivisions and looked into their model houses. We saw one that is quite posh. The exterior light fixtures are brilliantly lit so as to welcome us right to each abode.. I was told by the broker that they use led lighting fixturesat that posh village. But then, for the interiors of the house, should the homeowner choose not to do so, they can actually replace it with other lighting fixtures, or with discount ceiling fans, should they prefer lamp shades at each corner tables..
Marinated Steak

I could almost laugh at the extreme examples cited but then I thought there is more reality to it. Each of us can still have a posh looking home, in a posh subdivision, yet being frugal about it.. Know what I mean? It's like eating steak.. If you eat at a very expensive restaurant, of course it gets pricey. But if you cook it at home, it is less in cost, more on flavor-- provided of course you know how to make the great steak that is sold at the expensive restaurant.. You know what I mean? hehehe

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