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Alternative to Rice...

>> Thursday, July 7, 2011

My father had been very cautious of what he eats ever since the mild stroke he had years ago.. Yes, he has so many  pills and tablets to swallow per schedule everyday, but he does not rely on them. He keeps a balance with his diet and exercise.
In case you want to go on a diet, but would like to have NO carbohydrates, but proteins, then eat only proteins. But if you wish to cut on the amount of carbohydrates, and not totally scrap it off your diet plan, then simply find alternatives. My father had been advised by his nutrition consultant, parallel to the doctor's orders, that he eat sweet potato instead of rice. Sweet potato is rich in vitamins and carbohydrates but has less starch, so it will be less of a burden for him and his condition.. In the same manner as eating rice, he can actually still eat proteins with them. 

The above photo is my plate by the way, and not my dad's. Everyday in the house, we have sweet potato at every meal because of my father, so yesterday, I wanted to try his diet too. It felt funny for me, but I think it will be tolerable once I get used to it..

Food is just like taking pain relievers. Once you know that the pain reliever you use is not good, you ask the doctor to prescribe alternatives and voila! You have an alternative that shall work around your problem without the No Nos.. sometimes too, when you need it badly but do not have the luxury of time to go to the pharmacy, there is again an alternative. 

So instead of rice, sweet potato is the alternative.. There were also times that plantain is used. Especially when they are in season for they are cheaper.. 

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