, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Be Careful What You Eat..

Be Careful What You Eat..

>> Thursday, July 21, 2011

We should all be careful what we eat.. A friend of mine talked about a neighbor of hers who was rushed to the hospital at midnight for complaints of a severe stomach ache.. Since this neighbor is living alone, the people at their compound have become his family who he calls on whenever there are emergencies, and so armed with his Medicare plan card, he was rushed to the hospital and of course got confined thereat.. It had been noted that he ate stale fruits and vegetables from one of the vegetable and fruits bar in one of the city's grocers.. He said that he didn't mind the taste because he thought it was okay, though weird.. When he got home for dinner, he felt cramps and so he only ate soup.. At nine, he started going to the bathroom for lose bowel movement, and at midnight, an intolerable pain at his stomach.. So to the hospital they went, via the Ambulance that was called to get him.. 

Hearing that, I couldn't help but wonder why such a smart fellow would eat stale fruits and vegetables.. Hmm.. Is he a miser too?

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