, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Missing the Simple Life..

Missing the Simple Life..

>> Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It was in Camiguin that I tasted the Squid Tinola.. Fresh and sweet squid right from the sea and into the pot.. I was surprised to learn that it was Tinola, when I have not had this dish ever.. Yes, it was dark in color too, but it didn't have any foul odor.. Must be the lemongrass.. 
It was cooked right away in boiling water with herbs and flavored by lemongrass.. Yummy! The squid were juicy, sweet and flavorful.. Not to mention, they were soft..
Healthy cooking at best.. The Tinolang Native Chicken too was fresh.. Native Chicken dressed and cooked right away with coconut milk and lots of leafy greens.. I wonder how early they had to catch in order to butcher the chickens.. hehehe.. 
 It was in my cousin's place, where we slept on the floor comfortably in their house.. Air is everywhere as the windows were huge.. 
Lots of fresh air, lots of treats from the farm and the bounty from the nearby sea.. Though people lived simply, I am sure they are happy.. Well, maybe for the most part they are in need of money, but they have all the bounty of nature surrounding them.. No problem with food as they have lots of plants in their own backyard and game, poultry and swine to butcher when they need to..  And though my cousin said that everything there entails hard work and people usually find themselves in excruciating back pains and headaches, they are still okay.. 

The best part is seeing the sun set and how it magically transforms everything in sight.. 

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