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I Want Juice!

>> Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I slept for an hour or so, cat nap. Been doing it whenever there are so many tasks for me to finish.. And days like this, what gives me that edge and extra energy to move forward is a glass of Carrot Juice, fresh or from the can.. But since my blender broke, fresh Carrot juice is now difficult to come by, except when I could buy a dozen or so from the grocery.. So I am thinking that I should invest in a new blender or juicer.. The ones online.. But then, I think I need to see a blender buying guide for a most rewarding blender shopping..

Also, I could be able to juice up vegetables that Lili find difficult to eat. So that's actually hitting two birds with one stone. Juice is an important source of Vitamin C that is both refreshing and delicious. For people who are dieting, juice can also help eliminate if not control improper food eating habits.. Pure juices curtails cravings for unhealthy sweets as the natural sweeteners in the juice replaces the sweet being craved for.. So I guess by that, I will no longer be dreaming of Cadbury and Nestle Crunch, hahaha.. 

2 large Carrots make this half full Carrot Juice. Love this chilled a bit...  
I love Carrot juice, as much as Mango juice and Coconut juice.. In fact, I love all juices.. Even if I will drink them very cold, for as long as they are fresh and natural, wont be too much of a hazard than drinking those synthetic powdered replacements.. 

Now, if you guys wanna get juice but do not like to make your own, you can either visit the juice shops or buy the canned juices from Del Monte. They are after all, rich in flavor, big on the Vitamins..

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