, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Dinner at Mooon Cafe

Dinner at Mooon Cafe

>> Saturday, October 16, 2010

We were craving for pizza and since we were still at the Robinson's Mall due to heavy rains and no ride to go home, we decided to eat since it was actually late already.  We ordered just the small size Karnes Pizza, and some bottomless iced tea..

 Looking further at the menu, we decided to eat a full dinner..
I had Tuna Belly and my sister Sweet had Mooon Steak..  This Tuna Belly is just right, although, this isn't the Tuna Belly that I was graving for.. I like my Tuna Belly grilled and have some special flavorings.. But like what I said, this was just right. It didn't flunk so it is okay, lol..

Sweet's taste buds told her to ask for more so she asked for some condiments to help her enjoy her steak more, as she finds it a little bland to her taste. After that, she enjoyed her meal.. Of course, the Mooon Steak was quite huge for her so she shared it with me, lol..
For the record, we only ate a piece each of the pizza and took it home instead.. We were so full..

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