, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Dirty Ice Cream

Dirty Ice Cream

>> Friday, October 22, 2010

Here is the latest look on the all time favorite "dirty ice cream". It used to be scooped into a cone. Do you remember? Manang the peddler told us that it is because of the rainy season that cones are no longer commonly found. And I notice, they come in a cleaner packaging---
By the way, it was never dirty or anything. The reason why it is called dirty ice cream, as I was told, is that, it gets peddled from one point to another, so people have this notion that the traveling has made it dirty with dust and everything.. But lately, if you have been attending kiddie parties, you will find a similar cart during the celebrations..

I was informed that a cart may cost P 1800 to P 2000, depending on flavor and the gallons of ice cream ordered.. to have this special display for the duration of the party, for everyone who wants to eat it--- Quite cheap, plus, it can actually make lots of children happy---
Before, it is usually men who peddle the dirty ice cream.. But now, look. It's Manang Ice Cream smiling in the background, lol..

No worries. If you indulge in this street fave cooler, you will not necessarily need the most effective diet pills. As my friends would say, they are NOT quite harmful.. hehehe


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i♥pinkc00kies October 22, 2010 at 3:49 AM  

yummmm :D i love the choco and mango dirty ice cream.

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