, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: No Alcohol for Timmy

No Alcohol for Timmy

>> Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Timmy has declined to take alcohol together with his dinner. When we first asked him why, he told us that it is not allowed. We wondered why and so we asked further questions. We learned that he has been taking medication of Carisoprodol or known as Soma. Nothing really serious, it is just a skeletal muscle relaxant that is normally used to relieve the pain of muscular injuries such as sprains, spasms and strains. It was what he took after he had sprained his foot to be able to walk without the pain. Erlinda searched about it online after dinner and we found out that it is rather a prescription medication and may somehow be habit-forming. We joked that Emily should use it, but Erlinda read further, that it should only be used by the person for whom it was prescribed. Since it is not a general pain reliever, it can not just be used by anyone without the prescription.

We searched further on as emily got really interested with teh said medication and we found out that we can actually Buy Cheap Soma Online. And even buy it without prescription.. OMG, whatta Soma Buy.. We read it again and again, and we read it right. We can actually Buy Soma Without Prescription..

Now Emily has her card ready.. hehehe And Tommy was saying, just make sure to avoid alcohol when taking it because it will increase any dizziness or drowsiness caused by the medication. Emily nodded..

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