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Packing Longanisa

>> Thursday, October 21, 2010

For those of you who want to sell Home Made Longanisa, here is a ten step process on how to keep your Lonagnisa well packed.

1. Of course, to be able to have a longanisa to make, you must have the longanisa ingredients ready--- I will not share any recipe on this post as this is only limited to packing the longanisa.

2. See that small glass in the photo above? That is actually what is used to measure the exact content for every piece of longanisa. Some people use the scale to weigh each piece, but if you do not have it in your kitchen, a small glass is more convenient and practical..

3. Do this by batch or you can also do them all at once if you have the right number of trays to have each of them sit as you roll and wrap each piece.

4. Of course, when they are ready, you can now get each and roll them on a clean plastic that will serve as your container..

5. Make sure that each piece is properly rolled--
6. Make sure that each piece is properly wrapped..
7. Make sure that each piece is properly secured at both ends..

8. Again do this process by batch as again, this will save you time and energy..

9. When you have enough to pack, place them inside a clean plastic..

10. Lastly, to secure freshness, vacuum seal and lock each packet..

Amazing procedure, right? You can apply that at home or in your home business..


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