, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Happy Fiesta Cagayan de Oro

Happy Fiesta Cagayan de Oro

>> Thursday, August 28, 2014

While Cagayan de Oro City celebrates the Feast of St. Augustine today, we here in Opol are just having a simple family time as I do my take home work in preparation to tomorrow's release of report cards in school. 

Anyway, as usual, Spaghetti is the prime request of the kids.. They never tire of our Spaghetti at home, perhaps because each time we cook Spaghetti, the recipe is different but still yummy.

Then there is the unforgiving HUMBA.. ughhh.. Father says it is for the mood of the fiest in CDO, lol.. It is yummy alright, but somehow we had to be careful of the pork fat.. 

Then there is this Maja Blanca with no coconut milk.. Healthier option than the old family recipe.. 

And the fish is the perfect one for me.. 

Thank you mom and sister for cooking these food.. Happy Fiesta Cagayan de Oro City.. Thank you Thank you for the holiday-- a time to bond with family.. 

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