, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Cassava Pudding

Cassava Pudding

>> Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Cassava was boiled, and there were just too many of them. This, I mentioned in my previous post. If there are so many, we need to find a way to recreate them and make them more appealing to the people in the house. 

So, from the boiled Cassava, we went to look for some recipes to tweak or remake.. 

We didn't find any, so we had to think of a recipe and came up with the simplest bread pudding recipe we have been making. Instead of the bread, we used the boiled Cassava. 

To experiment, we used a few boiled stems, mashed them and mixed butter, condensed milk, cream and cheese. 

And because it was just an experiment, we baked it in our oven toaster instead of the big oven. Baked it about 25 minutes, and this is the result.. 

It's flaky, crunchy and chewy on the inside. Yummy.. The texture is soft, but you could imagine a very soft textured Cassava cake. Because this is successful, we are going to make more from the remaining boiled Cassava stems.. 

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Reanaclaire September 1, 2014 at 8:19 PM  

Hello Mommy Dharlz, thanks for coming to my blog regularly.. sorry for not dropping by as much as I wanted to...really very busy running up and down like a spring chicken.. hahaha... but i will try to make it a point to blog hop as often as i can!
By the way, your cake looks great! I think over here, I call them tapioca?

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