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K-12 Training for Grade 8 Teachers

>> Sunday, April 28, 2013

After eight months, we have finally reunited with our batch-mates of newly hired teachers of DepEd. We all were hired September 3, of last year and it is only now that we have seen each other again after being deployed to our different assignments. 

Thanks to this K-12 Mass Training for Grade 8 Teachers, we have met again. This day started with the usual registration, not expecting anything more than to join the training for the sake of learning more for the betterment of our careers. 

Anyway, above is a picture after my colleagues and I have all registered and were assigned a hotel to stay in for the duration of the training. We were clueless as to what will transpire afterwards..

 We went to our hotel and checked in and rested awhile...

Since we were told to come back at 5:30 for the orientation and audience with the regional director, we took our kit, especially our meal ticket for the evening as dinner shall be served at the venue.. 

 This was what we had...

And as the first photo shown above, we took photos before the regional director finally made his way and gave us his inspirational message..  

So this is it.. Tomorrow shall be the start of the K-12 Mass Training for Grade 8 Teachers of Region 10. We shall be assigned to different venues per subject area... That means, we will not be seeing our batch-mates again... 

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