, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Pancake Adventure Time

Pancake Adventure Time

>> Monday, April 1, 2013

Just like any other Sunday in my parents' house, we cook, mix, prepare and do just about anything where food is concerned. Like any given Sunday, this Sunday afternoon is no exemption. 

Well, we were tired of doing nothing at home so we decided to make pancakes.. The task may be simple, but to add flare to it, we simply jazzed up our pancakes with different flavors and toppings.. 

And there it is again, the bottle of Mott's Applesauce..

Pancakes with Mott's Applesauce is too much for me.. I guess it's because I have experimented with it  on my Crispy Dumplings.. Nevertheless, it tasted wonderful, especially when the applesauce just came out from the fridge.. 

Then of course, there was the Pancake with butter and sugar, or pancake with butter and honey combination.. But Lili's choice was Pancake with Star Margarine.. A bit salty and sweet---

The list could go on to add Peanut Butter and Nutella, Brown Sugar and of course the timeless Milo sprinkled on top the pancake, hehehehe... 

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