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Where Respect is Due

>> Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yesterday, I found out that there are some food bloggers who use the images of other food blogger friends who kinda took them and inserted them into their own posts, without the knowledge and permission of the owners. Such a bad practice. I never do that in this blog. If there are photos here that are not mine, I always acknowledge the source. With regards to my photos, well, I am an amateur. My images may not be for booklet printing, but they are shot by me, and uploaded in this food blog for the very purpose of enhancing my own posts. I think that when we use other people's work, they deserve mention, if not linking. That is if we give them respect and honor their work. But of course, it is always a very nice gesture to ask permission first, before using photos that are not ours. Unless they are provided in public sites for public consumption. 

On the other hand, I have experienced being cheated upon as the other day, I found out that a blogger with an agriculture niche, has copied my post from another blog (even copied the title "The Wonders of Malunggay" posted at Proven Home Remedies). I was so devastated because this person copied word per word. That shameless person whose style is actually copying or scraping from other sites, copying them per word on his/her blog. And worst, he is a Filipino who hails from the city I so respect and love, the Queen City of the South. Well, I left him a couple of comments and asked him to rephrase the words/paragraphs and everything that he took from my blog. And if he can not do so, he/she would rather take the post down. Must be difficult for the blogger to rephrase, we found the post taken down the day he/she added a new post at his/her site. Now, I wonder if that is original or another copied writing, hmm..

Anyway, for today's entry of  FROM MY KITCHEN, here's SLER's Tocino..

I simply cooked it according to the packet. Fried in EVOO that we got from Robinson's at 50% off, hehehe..
What do you have from your kitchen?

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kimmy August 4, 2011 at 11:49 PM  

oh! that is so sad, girl.. and really not fair. try to put watermark on your images next time, and as for the copied posts, i think there are programs available to make your materials copy protect..

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