, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Fiesta Mood

Fiesta Mood

>> Thursday, August 25, 2011

So everyone has been in a festive mood since last week. Lot of activities and events happened already and well, on Sunday is the big day for Cagayan de Oro City as it is after all, the city fiesta.. I am sure everyone will have a grand time watching the fluvial parade as well as the races and the street dancing competition. There's also the parade of vintage cars.. And lots of food.. hehehe

A guy who bought tsw custom wheels said that he will go to the streets and flaunt his new ware, lol.. As for me and my household, we'll have to watch and see-- rather, wait and see, hehehe.. I am not sure if we will go to someone's place or not. But if you ask me, I would rather stay at home and rest.. I am also in a festive mood, but I do not find it practical these days.. 

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