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Pork Nilaga with Potatoes and Malunggay

>> Sunday, August 7, 2011

Have you eaten Pork Nilaga with Potatoes and Malunggay?Well, we had this treat last week. When we bought the ingredients, we were actually buying from the market and I was so shocked that Malunggay was quite expensive, lol.. I was so used to having Malunggay right at the backyard, and we didn't have to buy them from the market. 
But to resolve that, we have actually started planting a mini garden again. Right in front of our new place is a mini garden with a Durian Tree and a Star Apple Tree. They are yet young now, but they provide the best shade. So too, there are already ginger, sili, and some others I have no idea of, plus the Alugbati and leeks that we added. Not to mention the lemon grass--- ah, lovely garden. 

By the way, while we were at the market place, an RV stopped in the middle of the busy street. I think they were waiting for the rv emergency roadside assistance, which perhaps came later.. When we left, it was still there with its huge body. Whoever owns it must be rich, and crazy to be allowing it to pass through the streets in the market area.. hehehe

For Pork Nilaga with Potatoes and Malunggay recipe, PM me.. 

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