, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Food for the Salo-salo at School

Food for the Salo-salo at School

>> Wednesday, August 3, 2011

River and Lili are going to have Salo-salo as part of their school's Buwan ng Wika. Each of them were assigned to bring a Filipino delicacy, as per assigned by their teacher, that is good for five people. Lili was assigned ti bring Palitao, while River was assigned to bring Sapin-sapin. So this morning, we went to cogon where kakanin is sold. We no longer live where the manang who sells kakanin passes by every morning. However, we are near where kakanin is sold at the market area. 

Here are what we found there:

We bought Palitao for Lili's share for the Salo-salo. We also bought some for us at home. 
Then the Cassava and Sapin-sapin came next. We bought River's contribution and some for the house too. 
The kakanin above is said to be made from Cassava and Banana, but we didn't buy any. It was just new to our sight.. and I do not think it is part of the Kakanin we so distinguish. It's I guess a product of new discoveries. 

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