, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Saba and Uyap...

Saba and Uyap...

>> Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sorry for the not so clear image, but that is Pork Liempo sauteed in Red Bagoong or what is locally known as prawn paste or "uyap". Uyap has this distinct pink color and salty taste...

Pork Liempo sauteed in Red Bagoong is a very delicious partner for Steamed Saba or known locally as "linung-ag nga saging".... We have been raving about the Saba here in the islands as the taste is rather different.. And just one saba will make you full already...

My cousin told me of a foreigner friend of hers who came to the island looking for Wifi connection, as well as hd tv antennas in the year 1997.. When he ate the saba and uyap by the sea shore, he forgot about his wishes and went on further and explored the island and all it can offer...  Of course, nowadays, there is Wifi everywhere and even cable television... So apart from exploring the island, there is no reason to get bored at all.. If nothing else will work, there is always the yummy foodies...

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