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Gums and Gumballs

>> Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am always fascinated with every gumball machine that I get to see.. When I was a child, my curiosity sprang from the thought that gumball can not only be bought at the sari-sari store round the corner, but also in other places where all you have to do is drop a coin or two, and gumballs are there for the taking.. Of course, during my childhood, there were not much gumball machines available. Perhaps in some areas where many grown ups frequent, like the university or the Ororama Cogon, which is prominent at the time.. When one buys gumballs from the grocery, they are bought as bulk candy in packs of 100 gumballs. There were not 50 gumballs a pack, so it is just the sari-sari store that buys them that way..

I remember the red colored gumballs that we used to play as lipstick, coloring our innocent lips with such sweet wonder.. They were bigger and well, cost only five gumballs for ten centavos.. Cheap huh.. Then gradually, the said gumballs has become smaller and more expensive, like a peso each--- but of course, they are so small, you need to buy ten of them to create a good bubble.. And of course, other forms of bublle gums have appeared along the way. There were also others that had been flavored differently, so there arose a multitude of flavors for every gumball.. Not to mention, some have evolved to become more fun than others..

These days, kids would enjoy specific brands like Yaki, which  has a sweet and sour flavor...

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