, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Anything Fair Trade

Anything Fair Trade

>> Monday, April 25, 2011

My friend is an aspiring chef who is, right now, enrolled in a Culinary School. One time she mentioned about going to this fair trade, where food ingredients as well as produce and cookware are on center stage.. Of course, I would not be able to go as it is billions of miles away from me, but she did mentioned that using using fair trade products in cooking is good. As a matter of fact, the results have positive effect especially when used in one's daily life.She says food is healthier and fresher. Not to mention, ingredients are cheaper. That is why, she says that people should look for the Fair Trade mark on cooking ingredients or in any food.

Today, I read about Premcrest Fair trade wholesale in a blog that I read from time to time. Although the blogger is from the US, I have come to learn good things about Premcrest Fair Trade...  Here in the Philippines, we have a similar thing, but they are more concentrated on local produce, and local farmers sell them in a "Tabo", or a once a week or once a month fair in a barangay.. Yes, the produce are cheaper compared to the groceries, and they are fresher too..  Buying in the "tabo" helps local farmers sustain their livelihood...

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