, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Uhm..


>> Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kids ages three to five, may have some difficulty eating on their own without messing any of their clothing.. So most of the time, they are guided by adults in this arena, specially when eating in public. Unless of course it's okay to have a kid with spaghetti sauce all over his shirt, shorts and even his soccer socks and shoes.. Sure, it's a good way for kids to explore but being messy and looking messy afterward is not at all a good idea. At least to me that is. That is why I am now glad that Lili and River can finally eat with less mess, and on their own. Before, we used to spoon feed them so that they won't have messy shirts and hair. It may be cute to some people, to the point of taking photos of such mess, but I can not tolerate it. When kids grow older and they see those photos, they may develop some esteem issues brought about by the said photos..

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