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The Rainy Birthdays...

>> Friday, March 25, 2011

March 23 was my grandma Viating's birthday, so we went to Oro Gardens to visit her and our grandpa.It was raining terribly but we went anyway.. Aunts Irma and Nancy brought this yummy cake:

We said our prayers and spent a while there until it was really dark already.. Visiting our grandparents had always been a bonding moment for our family. We get to talk about so many things under the sun.. errr. moon.. stars, and even under the rain, lol.. from simple facts, daily life, age spots, new gadgets and everything within scope.. We didn't mind talking under our umbrellas.. The thing is, we were there to pay respect for our grandma and grandpa..

Last night, Aunt Grace invited us to dinner as it was the birthday of my grandma's sister, Nanay Purie. Another rainy birthday.. Unfortunately, none of us could go because of the rain, and some health issues. My father was not feeling well, so we had to ready ourselves for whatever will happen. I too, have had the worst dry cough that I could almost pee while coughing.. After coming home from my cousin's, I rested at home. So today, I am cramming as I have lots of unfinished tasks.. whew.. 
Anyway, rainy birthdays or not, I lighted a candle for both grandmas.. Missing them.. and their glowing smiles...

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