, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: If Marooned...

If Marooned...

>> Thursday, March 10, 2011

If you have been caught in the middle of the road, on a strange place, where people speak a different language than you, and you need roadside assistance plan, what should you do? It seem quite unfair to be in that kind of situation, but sometimes, it does happen, so we better be prepared. A friend of mine asked me that while we were having dinner one time, and well, surreal as it may seem, I answered with a definite YES. well, why not? I have had Japanese students before. I have had Chinese as well as Korean students, all learning English at a rather slow pace because they were beginners, and tutoring them in Conversational English was rather NOT a difficult task because I go by body language. It was rather fun.

So maybe it would not be as bad as it would seem should I get marooned in an unknown land, with no language compatibility.. I guess all we can do in that very situation is smile and be friendly----

What do you think?

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