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Support the RH Bill

>> Friday, March 25, 2011

When you are a mom, there is nothing that you can think about except how to make things better for your kids and family. Above all, their health, safety and security matters most. I think that is the reason why a lot of responsible parents would opt to have home automation for peace of mind.. But it is all different when you have lots of kids to take care of and the budget is limited. Depressing as it may be, but most of the time, it is only food that has become a priority for some who could no longer afford other needs for the kids and family.

Surely, if we all support  the RH Bill, we can give every Filipino a chance to have a better life. We can give a chance for all kids to go to school, have enough time for nurturance and family growth. We can give NOT only food to appease current hunger, but a better future with NO MORE hunger..

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