, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: The Man, The Chicken and The Blog--

The Man, The Chicken and The Blog--

>> Friday, March 11, 2011

A man who ate an entire chicken complained to his friends that the restaurant where he bought the chicken from should be responsible for causing him stomach ache. His friends told him that it isn't the restaurant's fault for he consumed all the chicken in just one sitting. He insisted that it is their fault. So a friend of his offered to come by his house and talked some sense into him. He compared the incident to a motorcycle accident, which accordingly was the fault of the driver. So was the comparison. But then, the man said, what if it is the fault of the maker of the motorcycle? What if the motorcycle was not at all safe to drive, hence, the accident. That was the only time that the friend listened intently to the man. And yeah, what if the chicken was bad after all. So immediately, he brought his friend to the hospital for some check up. And well, it was found out that some virus of some sort came from the chicken. And the man was relieved. Finally, he has a witness and proof of his claims. When asked how he came up with the thought, he replied that he read from a blog about motorcycle accident attorney who are said to be committed to provide their clients with superior service and legal representation for accident injury victims all over the state of Texas. Amazing info..

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