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A Picnic on Tatay's Birthday?

>> Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tatay's birthday falls on a Sunday and a family day at that. We have been contemplating on where to hold his simple birthday gathering. We could actually pack our Picnic Baskets and head south or north for a swim at the beach or some pool that the family will truly enjoy. We could also pack up some clothes and go for an overnight dip again at our favorite overnight pool spot. Or we could go for some simple cruise in Camiguin Islands.. 

Anyway, we are still waiting for next month as my sister won't be arriving till then.  The family will of course be complete so it calls for some celebration in a scale that we can afford to..  If  "Sheriff" will be kinder, I could donate even a leg of Lechon Baka for the occasion. That's not really necessary because Lechon Baboy is always affordable, but for a change, Lechon Baka would be good.

Well, let's just wait and see..

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