, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Craving for SIOMAI sa TISA

Craving for SIOMAI sa TISA

>> Monday, September 27, 2010

My sister and I went to church yesterday and since we were in a hurry, we opted to go to Saint Augustine's instead of our parish or the usual church we go to to hear mass. It was 2 in the afternoon and well, there is mass every hour at Saint Augustine's so we went there. 

Anyway, we were walking towards the church when we passed by this Siomai vendor's food cart.
And since I was craving for SIOMAI sa TISA, Cebu's best Siomai, I told my sister to try out this said Siomai after church, and see if it is yummy..
In the same spirit, it has the chili paste, calamansi and soy sauce to match the dumpling. We ordered just one set which is sold at P 10.00 only, and there were 3 pieces of dumplings already. Sorry, I forgot to take a photo. The one above is SIOMAI sa TISA from a forum at, along with other photos of Cebu's best foodies.. 

Hmm.. Not bad for P 10.00, it's already filling and yes, it is yummy. The vendor said the owner of the Siomai business used to work at Chowking. Are we to assume that the recipe is from Chowking? Actually do NOT.. It's different from Chowking's as it has a taste of its own. It is of course NOT Siomai sa TISA, but like what I said, it's NOT BAD for P 10.00--- 

Here's the downside, do not put too much chili paste as it will really burn your tongue, hehehe.. Oh, but Manong vendor also sells soft-drinks so NO worries.. hehehe

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