, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Jill's Guinamos

Jill's Guinamos

>> Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I love "Guinamos" or salted fish paste or salted fish sauce. It is best partnered with Saba or boiled Sweet Potato. We usually have this when we go to the beach. By the way, I am reminded of this because of this photo I found at, so yummy..
Anyway, I have a story about this dish and how my friend Jill is able to live comfortably because of them. Well, Jill wears expensive jewelries with diamonds, signature clothes and accessories like Prada, Channel and many others these days. And I mean signature. They are original items that people would drool for, and not imitations. And how can a woman whose business involves "Guinamos" be able to dress up so fashionably and expensive at that? "Guinamos" may be her bread and butter but her business of fifteen years have already evolved. She no longer sells them at her stalls in the market. She supplies them to her retailers and mind you, they are all over Mindanao already. She even has her label and sealers as her slated fish is vacuum sealed. 

How did this happen? Well, if you ask Jill, she will tell you two things: A. Lots of  Tears and B. Lots of Mouths to feed. That is in fact her determination markers, so she succeeded.

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