, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: How Takoyaki is Made...

How Takoyaki is Made...

>> Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here is a filling treat that costs about P 25-30 in the mall stalls around the Philippines. At MOGCHS however, you can get them at P 10.00 only.  Very affordable and yummy too. So what makes this treat a double thumbs up deal? Well, it is made of vegetables, batter, cheese, mayonnaise and Takoyaki sauce. 

Here's how it was done at MOGCHS:

First the vegetables are placed on the Takoyaki griddle. 
Next, the batter was squirted to each mold.
It was cooked similar to cooking a pancake only this is round.
More vegetables and batter were added, and when the bottom part was cooked, it was turned over to cook the other side. When it's about done, it is served in a cup. 
It is then topped with Takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise, cheese cubes. Ready to eat while it's hot.. Wanna try it?
TRIVIA: Takoyaki actually means, Octopus Dumplings. And if you buy them at a real Japanese food shop, it will actually cost you quite a bit more.

The video below is how it is done the Japanese way:

Check Related links:


Jenn September 5, 2010 at 8:36 PM  

I love takoyaki!

My Yummy Sunday post is up HERE.

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