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Beans Do The Trick

>> Saturday, April 28, 2012

Do you know that this ordinary looking bowl of beans can actually help increase testosterone levels? Well, it's not just Mongo Beans, but all other kinds of beans can do so too. You see, beans are rich sources of zinc. Zinc increases testosterone levels and sperm production, that's according to a magazine I have read, which somehow got it's source from a US study. The said vitamin, Zinc,  is vital to health because it strengthens the immune system, and helps build new cells too. It also promotes mental alertness and growth. While Zinc plays a key role in the health of the male and female reproductive systems by giving a testosterone boost, there are also other kinds of food that do the same. On the contrary, if beans is not allowed in your diet, there are alternative sources of zinc.

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SLERS Chorizo

>> Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I am a Tapa, Longanisa, Tocino and Chorizo addict. I have favorites and I have tasted not so good ones too. Though I always make it a point not to remember the bad ones, and only reminisce of the yummy ones, I can't help but remember not to buy them Anyway, I was taught that in cooking any of them, you have to have water first before oil.. Except for the ready to fry kind where oil is the only thing you cook them in. 
 In cooking the SLERS Chorizo we bought at SaveMore, of course I also used water...
But if there was one thing different from all other cooking process, I remembered what the SLERS attendant told me as he handed me my packet of Chorizo. He told me, and I listened, that as soon as the water would boil, I should put oil...

After putting oil, of course it continued cooking the SLERS Chorizo when the water evaporated. The oil browned the SLERS Chorizo, and that added to the yummy looking treat on our table during breakfast... 

Most people, including myself, love a healthy treat and this SLERS Chorizo is actually one that I can rank among the healthy indulgences of life. See, the reason why oil is needed to is that, the chorizo is made of solid meat. I saw with my own eyes that there isn't any trace of pork fat in it. If you use a healthier kind of oil, it will be wiser too. 

This SLERS Chorizo is available for only P 36.00/10 pieces. That's actually quite affordable..

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