, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Proctoring for BALS's Accreditation & Equivalency Test

Proctoring for BALS's Accreditation & Equivalency Test

>> Sunday, February 1, 2015

Today I was one of the many teachers tasked to administer and proctor the Accreditation & Equivalency Test for students under the Bureau of Alternative Learning Systems, and this was my first stint at it. Of course we had a briefing yesterday, and proctoring exams is not new to me. So it went well. 

What I love about this is that the exam was just short, and before 2 pm, we were all done. There is a fee of course, but what I am happy about is that, we shall be given 2 days service credit to use. Thank you Universe for this. Service credits are very much helpful, especially in times of emergencies. 

But what amazes me more is that, even though we were paid, we were also served snacks and a lunch to go. We do not have this in other proctoring engagements. 

The food served were good. But since I am not eating in between meals, I took mine home, together with the packed lunch. 

My brother and Lili ate them, hahahaha.. Anyway, thank you Bureau of Alternative Learning Systems for this proctoring gig.. Thank you Mama Nitz, whose slot was given to me, for this experience.. 

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