, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Love Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Love Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

>> Thursday, February 12, 2015

Today's lunch and dinner dishes are cooked with two similar ingredients-- potatoes and sweet potatoes. Both are healthy but the latter is healthier since it has low glycemic index than the former. In fact, the latter is the best alternative for the former. 

So as our practice here at our pad, we cook for lunch and dinner at the same time because we do not have the time to do. It's always a good idea that when the kids come home, food is ready and all they have to do is eat. Today it's Chicken liver with potatoes and carrots as well as Pork and Chicken Adobo with Sweet Potato. 

For this recipe, we used Pork Liempo and chicken breast cut into smaller pieces. The sweetness of the sweet potato makes the dish more exciting. Plus, it is a meal in itself, no need to have rice. 

I shall post the recipe one of these days. Stay tuned. 

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