, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: St Mary's School Foundation Celebration Day 1

St Mary's School Foundation Celebration Day 1

>> Saturday, September 6, 2014

The first day of the school's foundation celebration is usually opened with the program participated by the grade school department. So we went early to witness Lili's and River's group's dance number. 

This happened in the morning. After their number, we usually roam around the grounds and see what events and stalls we could visit, and what goods and food items we can buy. Of course, during this time, we discovered SIONGA or Siopao na Panga ng Tuna, and bought a box before going home for lunch.

In the afternoon, we came back and played Bingo Socials. 

Bingo Socials is fun and exciting, and every year, we almost always win, hehehe.. Almost :-)

This time is also a time that we declare cheat day as we splurge and enjoy fries, shakes, deep-fried goodies, and many others. The kids are allowed at this time to eat these foods. 

During our "tambay", students from the high school department asked us if we want to sponsor a mangrove to help save the environment. We gladly did, because before they even came to us, Lili was already telling us to do so. The high school students who volunteered to bring the sign around have already caught my daughter's attention. 

So we just sat as we watched other kids get caught and hand cuffed, imprisoned in the jail booth, and many others. 

River was caught thrice and was hand cuffed with three different girls, who were older than him, while Lili kept hiding because she was actually sought after to be hand cuffed with a former classmate. 

My sister dicovered a new favorite in Peanuts-- Pilipinut. The peanut pack she bought was truly worth the buy. I should have bought some more. 

When we got home, during movie marathon, we enjoyed the peanut, and all I can think of was buying some more the next day. 

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