, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Grade 9 Level Recollection

Grade 9 Level Recollection

>> Sunday, September 14, 2014

Every year, each high school level in our school, except the Grade 7 students, have a recollection for added boost to life and living. Our department have been doing that as a program to enhance and uplift spiritual life of the children.

It is also the first time for most of them to dress up for a school activity. Sunday's best or their best attire, which they can afford to wear. 

My girls above helped me distribute snacks for the facilitators during morning break. And yes, they were wearing dresses as they trotted with me from the ground floor to the sixth floor of the building, helping me distribute the Baked Siopao and Iced Tea. 

But during lunch, it was us teachers who did the distribution. 

Lunch for the teachers and the facilitators was a choice between the Chicken Meal and the Pork Meal. I chose the Chicken of course.

After lunch, activities continued and at 3 O'clock in the afternoon, Catholics were invited to join the mass at the XU Chapel. Non-Catholics stayed outside, waiting for the picture taking by class. While mass went on at the chapel, I had to take a break and sip the Okinawa Milk Tea outsie of the church, as it had some kick to make me come alive after feeling sleepy. I forgot to bring my Aloe Tea Concentrate with me, so this did me a favor.

After the mass and the pictorials, we went to Jollibee for a meal and some evaluation meeting. 

Here's us, Grade 9 level teachers during the registration, as we opened the recollection, and the meeting as we ended our day. 

The day was tiring, but fun.. :-)

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