, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Night with BFF and Her Clan

Night with BFF and Her Clan

>> Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It was one of those unplanned meetings. My BFF arrived and is actually going back to Saudi Arabia on Friday. Before her flight tomorrow, we have to meet. We were supposed to meet last Saturday but we moved it due to some constrains in schedule. We were very busy at school too. But tonight, busy or not, meeting is a must. 

We decided to meet at Centrio but since all of the food places we wanted to go to was full, it was decided to be transferred at BFB in Corrales. We did enjoy a Pizza, Pasta and Chicken and Mojos Dinner. It was my first time to meet with her new friends, her Clash of Clans team. They were nice people. It had me curious about the game because all of them are professionals playing the said online game. 

The pizza arrived to our table rather late, as there were some problems with the first order, but everything went fine thereafter . I learned a lot about Clash of Clans and each one even showed me how to play the game, as two or three of them were actually playing online. 

When it came, we digged in, continued talking about the game they are hooked on and before I went home, bff handed me my favorite chocolate and a make up set. 

Thank you Thank you Thank you so much BFF.. Till your next visit. Hope you have a safe flight tomorrow for Manila and on Friday, for Saudi Arabia. 

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