, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Princess Bubblegum and Her Bubblegum Gelato

Princess Bubblegum and Her Bubblegum Gelato

>> Friday, March 30, 2012

Whenever Lili would pass by a cart or the shop of Missy Bon Bon, we'd end up going back and buying her favorite gelato, Bubblegum. 

Now these photos I have just found today, and they remind me of how crazy eating Bubblegum gelato was that day..
The double scoop was huge. And Lili thought, it was okay, but then she decided it wasn't. Still she continued to enjoy her gelato, until it wanted to fall off the cone..
But then, it didn't fall off because we took the initiative to buy the cup for P 5, and placed it there.. So instead of a cone, Princess Bubblegum enjoyed her gelato by the spoon.
And eventually after, we ended up having two, one from the cup, and the other on the cone. Technically, we divided the gelato so she can enjoy them both ways.. hahaha

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