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Magnum Ice Cream - Philippines

>> Monday, March 19, 2012

Have you noticed lately that Magnum Ice Cream  is trending in social media and many people are taking photos of themselves posing with a stick of Magnum Ice Cream Classic or Almonds?

Well, it's actually free publicity for Magnum. People simply loved it or simply wanted to be "in" as it is the in thing now...completely hyped, as some people say.. Online people call it a "go-viral" thing...
So here I am with the girls of the CDO Bloggers Inc Officers 2012, posing with Magnum Ice Cream Almonds we bought from SaveMore Capistrano.

We are lucky it just costs P 50 here. In Singapore, the ice cream stick costs $4.25, which, in Pesos is P 148.00--- A bit pricey but worth it! I actually had my first taste of Magnum Ice Cream in Singapore when I was there in 2010. My Tito Noel bought us a tub, and it was perfect for our chocolate cravings.. it's packed with yumminess.. I wish we will have that here too coz a tub is cheaper than buying per stick. It's smaller than a pint, with three bars inside. What we have here is limited. We only have bars in three flavors only-- Classic, Almonds and Truffle, though I have only seen the first two flavors at SaveMore.

And gladly, I will pose once again like this nice shot above...Some people say it is not that great or is too sweet. Well, to each his own, that's all I can say. As for me, I like it since the day I first tasted it in Singapore. There is only one Magnum Ice Cream that is way too much for me, and that is Magnum Gold. It's caramel and gold dipped chocolate is too sweet for me, but that's just it. All the other flavors, I love, especially the Magnum Mint, but again, it's not here in the Philippines yet.. I wish..

As of 2011, two new flavors were added, and that's Magnum Ghana and Magnum Equador. I wish to taste them and see if cocoa beans made into chocolate from Ghana and Equador taste as good. That's in UK and in Singapore yet. In the Philippines...well.. soon, I hope..

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