, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: Gardenia Love.. Gardenia Bread Heaven..

Gardenia Love.. Gardenia Bread Heaven..

>> Friday, November 11, 2011

It had been so long for Gardenia to invade the city of golden friendship. I remember before, we would wonder how "great" this line of bread is that the television ads seem to exaggerate. It was not until I lived in Manila for a period of time that I have come to know how good Gardenia breads are. My favorite then was the classic american bread. My Tita Gin would prepare Ham and Egg sandwiches for me and my Tito Ben with Gardenia. Some mornings, she would have SPAM and eggs sandwiches too. And boy, I was in Gardenia bread heaven! Hahaha..

When I came home, I missed it real bad. But since we have our own bread shops here, well, I have somehow forgotten about Gardenia cravings. And finally, when Gardenia landed, my love affair with Gardenia started again. And aside from the classic american bread, the Chocolate bread became a favorite. But wait until the Gardenia Chocolate Loaf and the Gardenia Butterscotch bread came marching--- I totally love them both!

Whenever I find that Gardenia Chocolate Loaf and the Gardenia Butterscotch Bread is available, I automatically buy some. They are incredibly delicious. You can taste the flavor of chocolate and butterscotch in them.. And as always, you get to enjoy soft bread, plus the flavor in each. Real chocolate chips that melt with the bread in your mouth--

And like all Gardenia breads, I simply adore the lock that locks in freshness, which also serves as the price tag as well as the expiration indicator. Yes, Gardenia half  loaves are quite pricey compared to local bread brands, but hey, the price is all worth it.. 

I simply love Gardenia breads. How about you? On a side note, I know of someone who placed diamond earrings for women in between two slices of Gardenia Classic, and when the girlfriend found them, she blushed and thought that it was the best proposal ever. Engagement gifts like that are truly awesome, even the bread where the gift was placed, lol..

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i♥pinkc00kies December 2, 2011 at 8:49 PM  

I love their Wheat Bread, Raisin bread and Ube-cheese twirl. I tried the choco chip & its good too. I wanna try butterscotch next!

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