, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: 2 Kilos Plus 1: Butuan City's Lechon

2 Kilos Plus 1: Butuan City's Lechon

>> Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sorry for this late post. I was quite busy offline. But as I mentioned in my previous post, Butuan City Lechon  post is here.. 

After visiting our departed loved ones from the cemetery, we went home and rested awhile. Then we headed to my Aunt Vangie's place for lunch. As expected, we had Lechon -- Butuan City style and flavor.. 

Tender meat, juicy to the core. The flavor is truly to die for. Yes, I had Iligan City's Lechon on Saturday, then on Tuesday, Butuan City's Lechon.. But what the heck... it's near Christmas, Lechon will be everywhere-- hahaha.. 

We had 2 kilos served during lunch, then when we were done, another kilo arrived. All from different Lechon dealers in Butuan City. And sure enough, they tasted different from each other. But quite frankly, I could never say that one is better than the other. Although, Ramos' Lechon in Butuan City has always been a hit, I'd say that both are delicious.. 

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